Thursday, 12 April 2012

Have you got the Skrillex and Nero bootleg of Bass Cannon featuring the now sadly deceased Whitney Houston? - Horse

Do you want it? ^^ eat a bag of dicks. I start with some quotes from 'Filthy Ken', a prime player in a great couple of conversation samples from High Rankins new track Fuck you Virtual DJ. This song is a shout-out to punk DJs not respecting the music and other artists out there. The dubstep side of the track is well high pitched whereas I generally prefer my womp deep and bassy, but still definitely a cool track and a free download.

East side banter is the latest track from Aussie act Nadisko. Really dug the quirky vibe of this track and being free to download makes it all the better. Its really good to hear home grown quality techno coming from the likes of Nadisko as well as Jensen Interceptor and mysterious duo Australia made up of Gus Da Hoodrat and Lightyear who teamed up with Twin Turbo to release a great self titled EP late 2011.

Also just found this deep, dark and delicious new remix from Jensen Interceptor posted just today from Motorik Records. This fresh record label are throwing monthly free parties such as Lightyears Moderation EP launch, being held in Sydney and they look truly awesome, would love to attend one as who doesn't love a free techno orgy with some elite home-grown acts.

Tai's most recent release is a remix of Steve Aoki, Kid Cudi and Travis Barker. Egotistically named Cudi the Kid Tai jumps on board the growl house genre which I must say I am a fan of. He went a similar way with his Iconic remix for Moonbootica which delivers as well, but we've come to expect nothing but quality from Tai. Seeing him at Roxanne last year was a bit disappointing with the turnout but to his credit still went off and delivered the mad notes.

Must now go and get my drink on, peace.

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